Does Time Go By So Slowly?

Jennifer Lancaster
5 min readMar 29, 2020

What we can learn from Madonna’s music during this pandemic.

I was out on my nature walk this morning. This has become a regular thing for me since this pandemic started. I know how much my mind, body, and soul need this sacred time. Today instead of walking in the woods the way I usually go, I chose a different trail. I also chose different music. Different is good. Change is good. Change brings innovation and ideas and creativity to the forefront of our minds.

I put Madonna on on pandora. Hung up came on. The lyrics caught my attention: “Time goes by so slowly.” I know this song well. I’ve spent many nights dancing the night away on the dance floor to this song. I think every woman can identify with the lyrics of this song. She’s tired of waiting for a man to call her who isn’t showing the fuck up. She is hung up. She’s done. I’ve been in this space too many times to name but its not somewhere I live now, nor with the growth work and self-approval I have as a woman in her mid-forties do I think I will be in that space again.


I heard something in this song today. I heard something new, a twist of perspective if you will.

Time goes by so slowly for those who wait

No time to hesitate



Jennifer Lancaster

Soulpreneur Intuitive life coach, certified Angel card reader, traveler, foodie, house music lover, artist, lover of life. IG- @jenergy17