What is a Creatrix and Why MUST She Be Revived?
Broken Family Systems.
Let’s jump timelines shall we sister?
Imagine yourself walking through a beautiful forest if you will. In this forest, you hear the birds chirping and the sound of nature. The trees are really tall and while you are walking and noticing their height, you feel so safe next to them. The cool breeze is kissing your skin and the sun is ever so gently caressing your face through the tops of the trees. Here, in this space, you feel grounded. Alive. Calm. Open. Carefree. Supported. Nourished. Replenished. Nurtured. This is what Mother Earth or Gaia does for us when we spend time with her. She recalibrates our nervous systems.
Polarity Is Your Teacher
Now, the next scene is not so peaceful but polarity is necessary to understand what our needs are. You’re in a house and you are an observer. The family in the house cannot see you, so you are safe. You’re like an invisible angel looking in and gathering information. You have this empathetic gift so that you can feel the feelings of all the characters in this scene. There is a father and he is modeling extreme rage. It’s scary. He’s screaming and it’s almost as if a demon took over his body. His wife isn’t saying anything. She is frozen. She is walking into the other room to get away. He picks…